
Students report that the additional assistance provides them with peace of mind and lifts a weight off their shoulders, allowing them to budget more strategically.
Receiving this additional financial support has enabled many students to participate in sports alongside their peers, focus more on their studies, participate in social and study trips.
The IGM program is an opportunity to not only learn new things but also meet new people.
Financial constraints are one of the most significant impediments to pursuing a qualification. The IGM Scholarship demonstrates our commitment to ensuring that ability, not circumstance, determines success, by allowing highly motivated, enthusiastic students from all backgrounds to fully benefit from a education at the Institute of Global Macro.
These merit-based scholarships enable talented students to concentrate more on their studies by providing them with the financial security to apply for summer internships or participate in extracurricular activities that would otherwise be out of reach.
One of the most important factors when offering our scholarship program was to ensure that the award sets a new standard within the industry. Any students chosen for the program will have there entire fees paid in full. This will include all stages from enrolment to level 5. The value of this bursary is £2,500.
PLEASE NOTE: Not all students who apply will be awarded a scholarship. With a limited number of scholarships available, applications are assessed and awarded to the students identified as ‘in the most need’ and will benefit the greatest from the additional financial support.

All applicants will be required to submit a supporting statement outlining why they believe they would benefit from the scholarship. Where applicable, details of any personal circumstances should be included. Your data will be kept secure, never shared with third parties, and always managed in accordance with the Data Protection Act (2018).
After the deadline, submitted applications will be reviewed and scored by a panel. The applicants with the highest scores will be considered for a scholarship.